Fit Kids Factory 2020 Quarantine Time Capsule

We are living through an historical time right now. There have been so many changes over this past month due to the Covid-19 outbreak that we wanted to give families an opportunity to sit and talk to one another as you complete this time capsule. It will be a great way for you to connect with your kids, share feelings and thoughts, and focus on positive changes that have occurred since the quarantine began.

Many kids will be able to complete this time capsule independently while other younger kids will need some help. Either way, we hope that you spend some time together talking and sharing your answers. Kids do not need to complete this entire time capsule in one sitting – it is completely fine to take your time and go through it over a week or two. (after all, they’ve got plenty of time, right?)

We hope this will be a good way for you to remember details about this time period in years from now, and look back on your time capsule and think of the good times your family shared despite the changes and uncertainties of the world around us.

The time capsule is easy to access, simply click the button below and download and print from home…. for FREE!